
I often forget to update blogs

For example:

  1. I have a writers blog - I have not written in it in a while. My seven followers are probably extremely upset.
  2. I used to have my own private writing blog where I put my drafts and shit - now I keep my drafts in a thumb drive. So goodbye blog.
  3. I can barely even remember to update my FACEBOOK STATUS. So yeah, good luck getting me to remember to update a shop blog.
  4. I don't even like the WORD blog. It should be called an e-journal, or an online diary. That's more what these things are. I've disagreed with the naming system since the blog's inception. Yes - I'm that old.

A little bit more:

"Spelling and grammatical errors are the bane of my existence, both making them, and witnessing other people's"

Huzzah - this is a blog post. Posty post post.
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First Post

This is your store’s blog. You can use it to talk about new product launches, experiences, tips or other news you want your customers to read about.

You can check out Shopify’s ecommerce blog for inspiration and advice for your own store and for your store’s blog.

How do I remove this post?
Log in to your store’s admin area then go to the blog section to delete this post.

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